Many people come to me asking for help then never start “Investing should be more like watching paint dry or watching grass grow. If you want excitement, take $800 and go to Las Vegas.” —Paul Samuelson The Hardest Part Like in many things, getting started can be the toughest obstacle. Especially if it’s new to us or unknown. I knew this 20 years ago when I asked myself, “how can I” become an investor. The memory is fresh of how daunting it seemed. I did not really understand any of it, all I did know was my desire to create something more from very little. So, I just keep pushing forward. Back then, I had a Yahoo account that came with a free email and some other tools. It still does today, but I’ve moved over to Google, same tools only better. Both platforms have a finance page that looks something like this. “I will tell you how to become rich. Close the doors. Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful.” — Warren Buffett Baby Steps I’ve fielded many comments from people around a lack of money. The thought causing them to stop before ever getting started. That beginning point is actually more perfect than they can imagine. It’s where I started from 20 years ago. With a simple and free Google or Yahoo finance page you can create portfolios and track how they grow or drop in value. I started by watching the marketsContinue Reading

Study and measure before you take the dive a follow up how to on creating wealth and growing your money “In investing, what is comfortable is rarely profitable.” — Robert Arnott Taking Action Several readers kindly commented and asked for follow up information after reading my article A Practical Entry Point to Stock Market Investing. Thank you Linda Levitt and Meg Stewart. It’s no wonder it took me so long to become an investor, my Dad had a palpable hate for the stock market. The apple doesn’t fall to far from the tree, he passed it on to me. Well, he tried. Somewhere along the line, I realized he had taught me all he could, I sought other mentors. That’s when I found many ready to help, including Robert Kiyosaki the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad. “You get recessions, you have stock market declines. If you don’t understand that’s going to happen, then you’re not ready, you won’t do well in the markets.” — Peter Lynch 4 Ways to Earn Robert made most of his money in the early days investing in Real Estate. He went on to write books, create a board game, begin podcasting and educating around the subject of creating wealth. He even wrote several books with Donald Trump. It was Robert who introduced clarification for me on the four ways to earn money. E — Employee Most individuals only earn in this way. You work for a company trading your time for money. To earnContinue Reading

Can you make 10 good sound decisions over time leaving it all in? How many millionaires do you know who have become wealthy by investing in savings accounts? I rest my case. — Robert G. Allen I bet most of you would answer YES! Good, so read on and I’ll tell you a 10 step, 5 day or 5 year plan to make a million. For the longest time, I wanted to dabble in the stock market. In my 20’s, not one person in my circle knew how to play. So, my focus remained on other things, like partying, and, well…. let’s get back to the plan. A decade later, I got more serious, creating a “play” portfolio and tracking it. Many choices I made showed big increases, soon I wanted to know more. It had become clear that my capacity for seeing trends existed. After all, I had managed businesses, multiple times actually, now all I needed was a stake, some savings, a little cash, the plot thickened…. For the purposes of this story, I’d like you to begin with $2,000 bucks. Don’t get excited, we’re just pretending, but, I’m very serious. It’s the amount my first mentor suggested. Start saving now, no kidding, whoever said “it takes money to make money” was right, at least for this example. The next step is to call a brokerage and open a trading account. This is very easy and there are many benefits you will learn later. I will tell you the secretContinue Reading