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Top 10 Benefits of My Decision to Write on Medium Habitually

A life altering choice that has brought many benefits and changes

“You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.”
— Ray Bradbury, Zen in the Art of Writing

Being a photographer having started at a newspaper, I have always been interested in writing. Text and pictures really go hand in hand, in literature, in news stories and now in web based work.

Other than a published print piece back in 2002, I’ve been in a sort of planning mode for 25 years, dreaming of writing, I wonder why I waited so long.

I’ve started 6 books in the past ten years, and the key word there is started.

Finally, I got serious and began scouring the web for writing opportunities. Most seemed dubious at best and the first 10 messages I sent or links I followed were dead or received no reply. It was very discouraging but, I had a few things going for me.

I had just returned to school for the first time in 37 years earning an AA degree in Graphic Design. One of the requirements was some writing, literature, art history and communication courses. Somehow, I scored A’s in all those classes, imagine humility inserted here.

The published piece in Nature Photographer Magazine had been well received and was accepted on its first submission. Other writers had told me that was an impossibility.

In addition to that, I had started making photos in much the same way and that endeavor turned out pretty well. I knew what I really needed was just to get started, make the ball start rolling.

Then I found Medium.

Medium site Logo

“I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn.”
 — Anne Frank

And these things began to happen…. The Top Ten list

#10: There is always something to do.

Flood gates have opened, thoughts and ideas streaming forth in a rush. Topics show up two or three at a time and I stop to make notes or even get the title set up in the Medium interface. Later, I can browse those titles from anywhere and write about what resonates at that moment.

I’ve also noticed that when other issues arise that may have knocked me off center before, they seem not near as important now. Why waste time on non creative endeavors when I can choose? A sense of satisfaction comes from building something, from literally nothing

#9: Grateful feedback messages from readers.

One of my first articles garnered a wonderful comment, I’ll share it…

There may be nothing better than someone taking the time to leave a message like this. Hopefully, more will be coming.

#8: No Hard Critical Trolls have appeared yet.

We have all seen the comments left in certain places on the web that are less than flattering. While I was investigating Medium, reading the experiences of other writers here one message kept reappearing. It said, “You can’t be worried about what everyone thinks if you want to share honestly through writing.”

I know they will eventually appear, I welcome the lesson and growth they will bring.

“I kept always two books in my pocket, one to read, one to write in.”
— Robert Louis Stevenson

#7: Getting real education by reading the stories and experiences of others.

That may be what got the hooks into me. I read how to make it on Medium in many writer’s stories. Got to see some listicals like this, form other writers. There were posts about income, straight up screen shots of pay details.

Even a good dose of the F-word! It’s a term I use and love but somehow think I’ll hold that one back for now.

#6: Gained a great conversation starter, everyone is a writer.

At the project I’m working on now, we ended up in a room with a very large African American gentlemen. He was itching to talk and soon we were informed he was an author and a previous NBA player for the Seattle Supersonics among other teams.

Image Provided by Don Smith

He has a copy of his book right there, signed one for me and also gave me a picture of him playing with Wilt Chamberlain. His name is Don Smith and he wore number 35 with the Sonics the late 80’s. I introduced him to Medium, maybe he will write us something. Good stuff!

Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.”
— Franz Kafka

#5: Self Exploration while brainstorming story ideas.

I’m not sure quite how to explain this one but patterns image in the story ideas. I’m learning what my dialogue looks like and as a reader experiencing it days or weeks later a new picture is painted. What am I saying too much?

What am I not saying at all? The process has shown me holes in the amount of content existing in subjects I want to write about but haven’t. Writing is much like sharing feelings with a person one on one, it’s much more therapeutic than I imagined. This came as a surprising and wonderful bonus.

#4: A new process in place for letting go.

Somewhere inside me is a feeling that I’m not enough, a fear that I will be found out. You know, people will see something about me that they don’t like, then fall on one side or the other.

This apprehension has always been in me and writing on Medium has shattered it to bits. Once I share what I thought might be the dark things and no trolls show up, the fear is irradiated hopefully forever, this is huge!

#3: I can share from the heart and the world doesn’t end.

Later in the day, after posting some sensitive and personal subjects I read another author’s article, which I can’t find now, cautioning about the dangers of employers using posts as hiring decision material. I immediately second guessed myself, got fearful and pulled the telling story.

The next morning I thought, “who cares?” putting it right back up again. I have not seen anyone running for the exits and for me that is part of the charm. I can offer this item, 1000 or so words arranged in a certain way and you, the reader can be attracted, interacting with it and stopping, or not, maybe moving on. I just make it and let it go out into the world, it’s magical.

#2: Provided energy and inspiration to build a new website.

When I started this Medium experiment one month ago, my website was 20 years old and in need of some serious upgrades. I had not been able to find the time or the motivation to retool. So, I took it on, bought another domain name and built a WordPress website in one day.

This is a confidence building exercise in itself and likely has some real commercial value if marketed properly. Nearly everyone wants a personal or business website. Look here if you wish, it still needs work.

And the Top 10 number one answer….

Image by the author Christopher Boswell

#1: MONEY!

I’ll admit, the first week was tough and I was looking forward to seeing the numbers. I was actually discouraged and spoke to a friend about it. He said “just keep doing what you are doing and see how you feel in a year.”

That just happened be an entrepreneur I have known for 40 years. We sat beside each other in a class size of 900 students and graduated High School together, that time will spawn at least 3 more stories, they are percolating now.

My first pay came exactly a month after beginning and I was not completely disappointed. From experience I know that sales can easily be doubled as I learn, refine and build more content.

I’ve always known that I did not want all my eggs in one basket money wise. It feels much safer to have income streams. If one dries up it is not a crisis and another can be added in. Unlike a traditional J.O.B. where I have gone from a hero to a zero overnight losing my entire income. Write on!

Well, there you have it, 1381 words arranged to say what’s up.

I hope you found some value in this article, if you follow the links below for more of my recent work, maybe another will resonate.


© Christopher Boswell 2019. All Rights Reserved.

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