“Each man’s life represents a road toward himself, an attempt at such a road, the intimation of a path… But each of us — experiments of the depths — strives toward his own destiny. We can understand one another; but each of us is able to interpret himself to himself alone.” ― Herman Hesse

Liver disease kills approximately 90,000 people each year in the USA don’t be one of them.   “You will find, Brumm,” said Earl Lavender, “that one of two things must be sacrificed by every man who lives to be over sixty — the mind, or the liver.” ― John Davidson The Trauma of Life Just a few years ago life educated me on Liver function through a painful experience, the loss of my only sibling. A beautiful bright whimsical girl, who had helped me through 53 years of life, gave me an opportunity to watch her die. The call came from my Mother informing me that Carrie had been admitted to the hospital. Sadly, none of us seemed to get it at that time, how sick she was. Even though everyone now seemed to notice that they had thought she seemed discolored, her skin losing it’s rose glow even 6 months earlier. It was serious, they were keeping her. Weeks went by with me calling from 2300 miles away asking for reports and talking to her on the phone. Soon, she was available to be on the phone less and less. My Mom finally said, if you want to see her again, you better come now. They had flown her to a hospital in Madison, Wisconsin, rumored to be skilled at helping with livers. And made the doctors there made it a practice to help even those that could be alcohol related. Or so they told my Mother. So, IContinue Reading

How do we know what looks good in a picture or design and why? No one is an artist unless he carries his picture in his head before painting it, and is sure of his method and composition. — Claude Monet The Rule of Thirds. It is interesting and curious, how did we evolve into deciding what we like to look at? Color, form, lines, contrast, shape and intensity are some of the variables involved. Can you talk about what it is you like about the way a view of something appears to you? It can be on the internet, with text and images arranged just so. Or, on the TV program you have going in the background right now. It’s defined on the art you chose to hang on your walls and maybe most importantly on the faces of those you love most. Today, there only two established rules I desire to talk about. The Rule of Thirds and the Golden Mean or Ratio. Read more on Medium https://medium.com/publishous/composition-the-rule-of-thirds-and-the-golden-ratio-d587da486d26