I wonder if a farmer feels motivated each morning on the 120 days of work before harvest? The farmer has to be an optimist or he wouldn’t still be a farmer. ~ Will Rogers MY grandfather was a farmer, my Mother’s Father, I always admired him. They, he and my Grandmother, stopped farming when he turned fifty and moved into the city. The work just began to take it’s toll on his body, all the physical labor. Motivation had finally run out, but he did not stop working, instead went down to the Farm City Supply store and shared his decades of knowledge with those still toiling. Farming is really unique as a way of earning a living, think about it. In Agriculture one must do much work before there is any payoff. Plowing, fertilizing, seeding, watering, insect fighting, harvesting and finally transporting to market. This adds up to a bunch of days where one may not feel like getting out there.                                                  Image by Christopher Boswell And then there is the money. Money earned by those crops has to last until the next planting, maybe with some milk and egg money trickling in daily along the way. As a young man, most often working and living hand to mouth, this intrigued me. A creative life can be the same in many ways. It’s understood more today, as I have spent a decade creating 10,000 images and traveled to every state in the USA. A feat not completed without some motivationContinue Reading

Can you make 10 good sound decisions over time leaving it all in? How many millionaires do you know who have become wealthy by investing in savings accounts? I rest my case. — Robert G. Allen I bet most of you would answer YES! Good, so read on and I’ll tell you a 10 step, 5 day or 5 year plan to make a million. For the longest time, I wanted to dabble in the stock market. In my 20’s, not one person in my circle knew how to play. So, my focus remained on other things, like partying, and, well…. let’s get back to the plan. A decade later, I got more serious, creating a “play” portfolio and tracking it. Many choices I made showed big increases, soon I wanted to know more. It had become clear that my capacity for seeing trends existed. After all, I had managed businesses, multiple times actually, now all I needed was a stake, some savings, a little cash, the plot thickened…. For the purposes of this story, I’d like you to begin with $2,000 bucks. Don’t get excited, we’re just pretending, but, I’m very serious. It’s the amount my first mentor suggested. Start saving now, no kidding, whoever said “it takes money to make money” was right, at least for this example. The next step is to call a brokerage and open a trading account. This is very easy and there are many benefits you will learn later. I will tell you the secretContinue Reading

So many streaming choices now and digital Over the Air signals are beyond HD Nowadays, you can be a fan of someone that’s not an actor or artist. You can be a fan of someone that makes YouTube videos. — Cameron Dallas Are you ready to wave goodbye to high repeating monthly cable bills? Say YES! Good, there used to be an old rusty antenna living on my garage for years. I first upgraded to a new small digital antenna broadcast grabber, and now have updated to a larger antenna capable of pulling in channels from 125 miles away. After a long period of growth for cable television providers, the game has changed again. Content is now available on a multitude of platforms online, broadcast TV has updated, improved, and gone digital, creating more channels of higher quality. Products have been invented and evolved that allow us to watch shows via wireless using our internet provider.   I said goodbye to cable 10 years ago after first subscribing in the early 80’s. After visiting my home and seeing the options friends often ask me to come hook them up. So, settle back, hang out for a while, let’s explore some choices here. How much have you spent on cable? The answer for me is $15,000, often I dream about what else could have been done with that cash. What if I would have instead placed it into some interest bearing investment vehicle? To top this off, there are more costs chipping awayContinue Reading