“Each man’s life represents a road toward himself, an attempt at such a road, the intimation of a path… But each of us — experiments of the depths — strives toward his own destiny. We can understand one another; but each of us is able to interpret himself to himself alone.” ― Herman Hesse

I wonder if a farmer feels motivated each morning on the 120 days of work before harvest? The farmer has to be an optimist or he wouldn’t still be a farmer. ~ Will Rogers MY grandfather was a farmer, my Mother’s Father, I always admired him. They, he and my Grandmother, stopped farming when he turned fifty and moved into the city. The work just began to take it’s toll on his body, all the physical labor. Motivation had finally run out, but he did not stop working, instead went down to the Farm City Supply store and shared his decades of knowledge with those still toiling. Farming is really unique as a way of earning a living, think about it. In Agriculture one must do much work before there is any payoff. Plowing, fertilizing, seeding, watering, insect fighting, harvesting and finally transporting to market. This adds up to a bunch of days where one may not feel like getting out there.                                                  Image by Christopher Boswell And then there is the money. Money earned by those crops has to last until the next planting, maybe with some milk and egg money trickling in daily along the way. As a young man, most often working and living hand to mouth, this intrigued me. A creative life can be the same in many ways. It’s understood more today, as I have spent a decade creating 10,000 images and traveled to every state in the USA. A feat not completed without some motivationContinue Reading

How do we know what looks good in a picture or design and why? No one is an artist unless he carries his picture in his head before painting it, and is sure of his method and composition. — Claude Monet The Rule of Thirds. It is interesting and curious, how did we evolve into deciding what we like to look at? Color, form, lines, contrast, shape and intensity are some of the variables involved. Can you talk about what it is you like about the way a view of something appears to you? It can be on the internet, with text and images arranged just so. Or, on the TV program you have going in the background right now. It’s defined on the art you chose to hang on your walls and maybe most importantly on the faces of those you love most. Today, there only two established rules I desire to talk about. The Rule of Thirds and the Golden Mean or Ratio. Read more on Medium https://medium.com/publishous/composition-the-rule-of-thirds-and-the-golden-ratio-d587da486d26